Monday 30 April 2012

Arrived in Kenya!

Hello everyone!

I just landed in Nairobi a few hours ago, made it though immigration and the traffic of Nairobi to arrive at the house I am staying at. I am going to spend a couple days here now with my brother's old roomate's family. Small world eh? They are too kind here, so I am just getting ready for bed having been all stuffed with food while watched the end of the Manchester City vs. Manchester United game. Aparantly they don't often get to host people here so I get the royal treatment.

Anyways the flight was pretty good, in terms of time from door to door it was roughly 26 hours in real time? With time difference factored in though its all wonky. For those of you who don't know Kenya is located in GMT +2:00 which is 7 hours ahead of Toronto and 10 hours ahead of Vancouver. I am not sure how well I will sleep tonight, but I am tired so hopefully I will sleep well. I have been told to watch out for monkeys jumping on the roof at 6:30 in the morning so I won't get much of a sleep in!

Just a few thoughts from my flight before I head to bed:
1. I noticed that there are a lot of people travelling from Canada to Kenya for various community service projects. There were two large groups with group t-shirts from Nippising University (Brampton Campus) and with Me2We (Free the Children). They will both be in a different area than me however. I also got talking with a couple other groups of people who are volunteering in Nairobi itself.
2. Some lesson's learned from my flight: Never fill your water bottle up before security (I had to drain it twice while waiting in line). Also a universal converter is pretty useful, my battery died while trying to write an earlier draft of this post in Amsterdam waiting for my flight.
3. I started reading two books: The Rule of Experts by Timothy Mitchell and The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. the first one is a little more related to what I am doing so I may post some thoughts on that tomorrow if I get a chance.

Other than that I am hoping to get around Nairobi tomorrow while it is light out to get some cool pictures and see the city so that will be all for now,

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