Saturday 5 May 2012

Company arrives!

So as mentioned, Katie arrived yesterday! It is nice to finally have someone else to talk and joke around with while people chat away in Luo. Pamela and I headed out and caught a mutatu at the road again. This time we managed to get an open air one, that pretty much was a hatch-back truck with bars around the back to somewhat enclose it. I actually liked this one best of all because you get lots of fresh air to keep cool. 

We got to the airport with lots of time to spare in the end, and I had a good chat with Pamela about the bank. She talked a lot about how grateful she is to the bank, and how big of a difference it has made in her life. She used to not know anything about saving, and found it hard not to just spend any money almost as soon as it was earned. Now with the bank, and after going through the financial curriculum, she saves regularly (so regularly that she was saving every day that the bank was open, partially because she really wanted to be the bank ambassador and partially because she wanted to save as much as possible). She also was able to get a loan the second year that we ran the microcredit, which she used to open up a store she had been wanting to open for a long time. It was interesting to hear her talk about how she sees the bank maybe evolving in time to reach more and more people, and it was very good at that point to hear from someone directly impacted by the bank. She know Maurice fairly well and had heard about the board of directors we are hoping to work towards creating for the bank, and seems to think fairly positively about it as long as it is run well and do we.

Anyways finally Katie arrived and off we went back to Kaguya (the house / compound we are staying at). It was a lot of fun to take Katie on her first mutatu ride...the best way to describe it would be the image of a kid at a candy store! She couldn't stop laughing and smiling or pointing things out, so I found it quite funny. Once back at the house we showed her around, let her get settled and shower before having some lunch. Cirpose (and Pamela) were very excited to meet Katie, the on-going joke with all GIVE travellers has been that they are our "African Mothers". Having finished lunch we both headed to the bank, and got to be the first GIVE members to see the new location. Although the furniture is limited and the decorations even more limited, there were some freshly painted signs and everything. The location is now right beside Obambo market and traffic ahs been much higher. Maurice showed us how everything works on the ground, from opening an account to withdrawing and depositing money. It is amazing how much busier the bank has been since moving and there are new clients signing up almost every day that it has been open.

The fancy new bank signs!
The guardian cat (naturally he ignored us)
We ended up not staying at the bank for all that long since Katie was feeling pretty out of it, so we headed back and she had a quick nap. Later that evening, Maurice came over and we got to dig into the project in more detail. For those of you who haven't heard here is a breif summary of what we are hoping to do:
The goal, especially after moving to a new location and with somewhat of a fresh start, is to increase community involvement and engagement with the bank. We recognise that for the bank to work in the long term, expertise and ownership will have to be built up in the community. The solution we are hoping to help facilitate is to elect some kind of council of representatives (or board of directors) to represent the members. This board would be able to gather feedback from the clients, in addition to meeting and discussing any main issues which the bank faces. Then, in the short term the idea is that they would provide reports on the status of the bank, and recommendations to GIVE. At this point GIVE would use the recommendations as a basis point for all of our decisions around the bank. Hopefully this will increase the level of engagement, and expertise in the village around the bank.
Katie with two excited children (and one not so excited one) who live near the bank
We had been very worried that Maurice could perceive this board structure as GIVE questioning either his abilities or trustworthiness, so we wanted to make sure that the air was clear on that end. Our meeting went very well in the end as we were able to address this fear directly with him. He even jumped ahead to say that the more he had thought about the board the more it made sense, for many of the same reasons we were hoping to present to him ourselves. The meeting was therefore very positive in terms of getting us all on the same page. We had tried to communicate about this over the phone before we came, but it is incredible difficult to communicate about such deep issues, across culture and to some extent language, over the phone. That roadblock being out of the way we started the first preparations for our time here. We are hoping to hold some focus groups with as many of the members as possible to learn more about what direction the members want the bank to go in, and to build support for increased community ownership (vs. GIVE and Maurice doing most of the work). After that point the idea will be to collect nominations for the board positions, before then holding elections for those positions. Once elected, Katie, Maurice and I hope to be able to train the board on not only the hard skills (ie. how to audit the books) but also the soft skills (such as around decision or consensus making) which the position will require. It will be very exciting to see how the project evolves over our two months here.

Anyways I am actually writing this a day late, having just completed another day at the bank with Katie, but I will have to call it quits for now as I am falling asleep. Funny how your perception of time changes (ie. that it is getting late if you are still up after 9pm!). I will try and post something tomorrow morning (our time) to update what happened today (our first full project based day I suppose). 
Hope all is well with you wherever you may be,

ps. feel free to post any questions you have in the comments section. Let me know if I am skipping over or ignoring some things, or if there is anything that you would be interested in hearing more about

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